The second half of life..

By twigs

Top of a hill, far away

A teacher only day today. Time in the morning to try to catch up on a few tasks. Department time after morning tea where we reviewed our report structure and content. I'm liking where we were heading with it :) Afternoon at a local pub for lunch and to meet with other local PE departments to share what we're all doing in our respective courses. This was the best PD day I can remember - self-defined, productive, relevant and collegial. Good stuff.

(During the day I also managed to squeeze in a call to Jim at the bike shop to ask a couple of questions then to confirm that I will buy the bike :) Yay! My own wheels!)

After the PD day had finished I raced home and met Mel who is house-sitting for me for a few days before scurrying away in my van. Strange though it may seem, I decided on a destination that might not appeal to many - the top of the Takaka Hill, at a carpark near Canaan Downs. Scoping out some riding opportunities that L had told me about but also wanting simply to be away from the hustle and bustle of people. The views aren't great at the car park but the atmosphere and sense of space and freedom certainly is. I feel rejuvenation kicking in already.

Aaahhhhhh :)

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