
By SuffolkBumble

March 23rd 2009 - What a fine little fella!

Oh the pain! I could not sleep tonight at all and woke early and with my back in pain! There were hair cuts and ice creams in the morning and a lovely chat to Mum and Dad, before lunch at La Terresca again. We also got sun lotion so I don’t have to be in so much pain again. Back at the hostel we watched ‘Never Been Kissed’ and ‘The Mask’ with more ice creams in between. Then it was back out for tea and further ice creams (a total of five for me that day) before watching ‘Slumdog Millionaire’. I had to take painkillers before bed as my sunburn was killing me – the shower was bad enough but getting up from the cushions was terrible!

The little fella in the blip was completely by-passed initially. He was chilling, just hanging out nonchalantly as I walked straight by him but when someone pointed him out I had to take a shot of him, he is terrific!

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