
By Oceanspirit

War Horse

Lovely day out to celebrate my Mum, and my birthday's.

We went to see War Horse. Took Mowgli too, who behaved impeccably.

We all laughed and shed tears throughout the play. Such a moving piece of theatre and so cleverly done. Mowgli even asked if we could get it on DVD so he could watch it again.

Really need to pick my camera back up bad download some backblips that are still missing. Haven't had the heart or inclination to since Mr Lovely killed his camera. Hope he sorts it out soon so we can both get our MoJo back!

This one isn’t just any old horse. There’s a nobility in his eye, a regal serenity about him. Does he not personify all that men try to be and never can be? I tell you, my friend, there’s divinity in a horse, and specially in a horse like this. God got it right the day he created them. And to find a horse like this in the middle of this filthy abomination of a war, is for me like finding a butterfly on a dung heap. We don’t belong in the same universe as a creature like this.
Michael Morpurgo

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