A ship in the sky!!

Our last day in Singapore and the sun shone all day. Temps in the low 30's and very humid, but the blue skies were perfect for photographs.

The three towers are a hotel complex next to the Gardens in the Bay and the ArtScience Museum. The “ship on top” has restaurants and swimming pools for guests.

We set out for the garden complex to walk the “SkyWalk” which links some of the futuristic trees in the garden and gives fantastic views. Then we went over to the hotel and rode to the 57th floor to get to the “ship” to take photographs.

Next we visited the ArtScience Museum. A brilliant exhibition of Dinosaurs in the lower floor, but not a great deal on the higher floors.

Back to the hotel to check out of our room by 4pm, but they have proved a hospitality suite to wait in as we are not being picked up for the airport until 8pm.

Overnight flight home, hope to get some decent sleep ready for tomorrow!!

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