I was all fired up and had taken a lovely shot of the sky early this morning, ready to get back into the Sundayskies challenge, but then I remembered that it was my friend, Rachel's birthday today, so changed my mind - well it is a woman's prerogative isn't it?

So I went to see Rachel on her 17th birthday before we went to church; she looked beautiful (wish I looked that good first thing in the morning) and has such a lovely smile that brings joy into the lives of so many people! We often go out for a hot chocolate together, so that we can catch up with what's happening in her life and mine but if she is too busy studying for exams, then I take the jar of hot chocolate round to her house and we enjoy time together there.

At the top right is her present from Mr. HCB and me - a starter kit for making a décopatch box - so I hope she enjoys being "krafty".

As I left Rachel's mum gave me some beautiful daffodils - isn't it great to get an unexpected gift when it's not even your birthday!

On your birthday may all that you asked from God
be granted to you a hundred fold!
Always keep smiling the way you do!
Have an amazing day and an even more special year ahead.
May God Bless you now and always.
Happy Birthday to my lovely young friend.
M xx

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