A photo for everyday

By GinaG73

Nobody bakes cakes as good as a smilf

This weekend saw my youngest stepson come to visit from darn sarf. Jake is currently living in Woking as doing a year in industry as part of his degree.
I always make him his favourite cake which is Peanut Butter cake when he comes home. I also made one for his big brother Dean as didn't want him to feel left out!
These boys I adore, I've been a part of their lives for more than I haven't. Whilst it's sad that I can't have my own children, I am very honoured to be their step mum.
They make me giggle till I can't breath, it's so nice listening to them being together as if they had been transported back to being 12 and 9! Dean teasing Jake relentlessly and Jake laughing instead of crying as he did back then.

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