When starting a company, the first few years there is a lot of work to be done with little to no pay benefits. We've been a company for a little under 18 months and we are still working our way up to gaining a profit and more exposure. Until then, every dollar we make goes right back into buying new styles of clothing. Last weekend I was informed that Aaron (our money guy/my boss at Zumiez) had ordered me this GoPro (out of pocket) to show his appreciation for all of the hard work I've put in since we've launched the company. I am truly grateful for having an amazing team that can work together and that believe in my designs enough to put money behind them. I look forward to putting this camera to use so that we can make edits to help create more of a buzz online. Thank you very much Aaron, I won't let you down! You have my hard work and dedication, let's change the world! I look forward to seeing how this company will continue to grow over the years. #getbent
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