Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Flapping about

Have taken loads of images this afternoon. None were for their artistic or photographic qualities, but, instead, were for use in a talk and discussion at the club in ten days time.

This involved images at different focal lengths to demonstrate the coverage at the different lengths and also to show the perspective differences when used from different positions. Also a comparison of primes and zooms. Am a great deal of the way through the initial talk. Just got a few more slides to add. After that, it's death by powerpoint!

This morning was an attempt to repair the ethernet cable into Jonathan's room. This meant crawling around in the loft getting mucky in the course of it. As it turned out, the cable itself was OK. It was one of the patch boxes that was faulty! Agh. I didm;t need to do that folding double amongst the rafters.

I also put in an aerial cable to his to. He no longer has to stream stuff off the internet but, I doubt he will stop :-|

Two hours after this, he dropped his laptop smashing the screen. It suspect it's not worth repairing :-(

Is it nearly Monday already?

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