The Quiet Hum
As I walked into the sanctuary early this morning I took a seat to arrange my thoughts. It was quiet except for the warm hum of an amp or two. The solitude left my my mind to wander about how we rarely see our best laid plans to fruition. Seems almost every week there's some kind of wrinkle in the scheduled program.
So for me that means re-evaluating the gifts at hand and re-arranging the original plan to best accommodate the day's events. Since my team is made up of volunteers, my expectations need to be creatively realistic ...not to mention appreciative.
Before long I had re-imagined what we were doing and made the necessary changes in arrangements and instrument assignments for this mornings gathering.
It always works out. I always seem to have what I need. I'm actually used to the process even though I never know what's coming next.
The morning ended beautifully as once again all the pieces fell into place. Afterwards I took another moment to review what had played out. As I got up to leave I realized I was wearing a smile ... a smile of assurance, that all was good. Yeah, it was a smile moment.
The rest of the day will have it's ups an downs, but it'll run it's course and I'll be adjusting to the surprises at each turn.
Pray on...
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