S1 - Another Day

By S1

A failed walk along the beach

CJ woke up feeling a lot better after a good nights sleep - or so we thought.

Luckily swimming was cancelled today, so we didn't have to make the call on whether or not to go. So instead we decided on a family trip to the beach and then brunch at a cafe we found a few weeks ago.

However, CJ had other ideas on how the day should go and instead of loving a walk on the beach, all he wanted to do was hold S2's hand and cry. If S2 tried to get a photo CJ would wrap himself around his legs and refuse to let go. It didn't take long to figure out that CJ was not actually as good as he appeared to be.

So after only an 8 minute stroll on the beach we headed to the cafe for a quick lunch before heading home.

Once home it was very clear that CJ wasn't feeling very good and we spent yet another afternoon on the couch watching Cars and Finding Nemo.

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