Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

A hasty robin...

..We were both hasty in fact.
The robin was not inclined to pose for more than a second or two.
And I was not disposed to stand outside for more than a few minutes, owing to paperwork, which , like 'time and tide and buttered eggs'*, wait(s) for no man.

It's not a very imaginative blip I'm afraid. But, I never take the birds for granted, and always love to see them.
(We have a chat, along the lines of 'hello birds, hello sky' most days).
Today, on the feeders I saw sparrows, dunnocks, jackdaws (attempting a not very graceful swoop) chaffinch, blackbirds, blackcap (Mrs) and robin.

I feel blessed.
(Commenting will probably be tricky for a day or two. Builders. Mess.)

*John Masefield, 'The Box of Delights'.

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