Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Painting again

Finally started painting again today :O) Its been awhile and I've wanted to but just haven't been able to summon the energy needed recently. I think once you get out of the way of doing something regularly it becomes harder to get back into the swing of it again too.

I've been a bit gutted to have missed so many of my Art classes lately. What with all this icky illness I haven't felt up to doing very much at all, but today I got out my paints and brushes, unearthed all my half finished canvases (of which as you can see there are many!) and got stuck in.

It was great, I totally lost myself in it and loved every minute!

If I ever manage to finish anything I'll blip it! Don't hold your breath though, I never much like the finished results and mostly just cover over what I've already done ;) lol
Its the process that counts....

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