Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

More Daffs in the Car Park

Managed to get to the office before my swipe card would gain me access through the doors. I had a feeling it was going to be another of those frustrating days where I spent most of the day indoors so I grabbed a quick EB before breakfast.

I was right and by the time I left this evening the beautiful day had turned into greyness

I was dumb struck part way through the day when a colleague put the local paper in front of me. I didn't have to turn a page because there on the front page was my 'Lovers of Light 'photograph, complete with an image of yours truly and some copy from the interview they hastily took on Friday. Following on from that I was even contacted by Yahoo News asking for permisson to use some of my images.

The exposure is intoxicating but it's at times like this that you really struggle with the right way of handling things. I mean how do I control my copyright? Is payment appropriate? Who knows.

In the end I thought 'just enjoy it!' it'll soon be over and I might as well embrace my Andy Warhol moment.

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