A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

Aspirational clutter

Aspirational clutter is the stuff that we accumulate in the hope of becoming the sort of person we want to be, instead of the sort of person we are.

Thus the time has come to admit that I am not and never will be a sexy and sophisticated woman and in fact, the dungarees and headscarves of my childhood have turned into...the dungarees and headscarves of adulthood.

As something of a hoarder it is quite hard for me to get rid of stuff and I have little stashes of things like bits of wood and bubble wrap "just in case". However, there is no point in keeping all this stuff if it just makes you stressed and anxious and so I am slowly working my way through and getting rid of things that I really don't need or am utterly unable to walk in. Although it is hard, I have actually found a great deal of pleasure in knowing that nice things are coming out of my clutter heap where they make me unhappy, and going to someone who might actually use them. And if I take a photo first I can still admire them whenever I want without them actually getting in my way whenever I want something out of my wardrobe.

Therefore it has been decreed, that the boots will be released into the wild* and will hopefully find their way onto the feet of someone who can get out the door with them without falling over.

*aka Oxfam

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