Aspiring to be better

By growl3th


I've recently taken to making tablet since my dear old mother decided I was "big enough and ugly enough" to make it myself. Now at 40+ I'm really too old to learn new tricks I thought but she gave me her recipe so off I went. The first few attempts were perfect and all ended up getting scoffed at work or at TBH's school (the teachers not the kids).

However the latest attempt didn't quite set so I attempted to redo it tonight. Still don't think it worked so I've thrown it into the fridge in the vain hope that it'll set. The guys at work will eat it anyway but my pride is slightly dented at the moment.

For those who don't know what tablet is I found this definition on the interwebby thing

"Tablet's hard to describe if you haven't had a Scottish upbringing; it's like toffee, but not chewy, it's like fudge, but more grainy. It's basically a wee bit of heaven in an otherwise dreich country."

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