
Well I was playing around with the lightbox tonight. I've decided I don't like using the poster board to change the background color, so I'll have to figure out something else - maybe some cloth I can tack inside that covers all the white. Plus I need to work with the box more as far as the lights go.

This is a small part of my owl collection. I think owls are so majestic and pretty. The ironic part is we live between two cypress heads and I hear them all the time and have only captured them on camera twice in 10 years. The first time I got so excited I totally screwed up the shots. The second time, a young owl fell out of a tree and I was able to get a picture before we took it to the Wildlife Rescue. I've seen them fly back and forth between the two cypress heads but never have been able to capture one. I'll keep looking and trying though.

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