Shelter cave

Another bike ride out fro rishikesh, back along the first day's road but further and in totally different was akin to Scotland in autumn, dreich and drizzled, chilly on the bike...I never intended to come here, rajastan was the idea, si I've had to buy clothes....the lunghi is not the thing up here...but it's been pretty odd wearing trousers again..
This was a cave we passed which had four saddhus sheltering from the rain...we met them later by the roadside, lovely giggling maniacs with bright eyed smiles...later we warmed up by the fire also...
Otherwise the landscape continues in its odd familiarity and yet feels bigger..the bike has been a joy but now a few days off, wandering the town and looking for a new room as we're on the wrong side of the river and the hike up the hill is wearing...
It's an odd place this...I suppose after varanasi most places would be fairly serene...and although there's a bustling centre and it calls out to various streams of outsiders...there's a quietude which is palpable and not so difficult to find amidst the circus...
And there are enough interesting people here to make it a bit different from the rest of the's a backpacker place but it has an older style vibe about it...another week maybe...

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