All Hail....

The new King of Spring!

Arlo wanted to incorporate the (I'm sure you'll agree) very Eastery Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles into the Easter bonnet that was set as his homework this month.

For our family, we're not big celebrators of Easter, but we'll happily celebrate the change of season - especially Spring with all the hope and positivity it brings after a long, cold, dark winter.

So, armed with my trusty Pinterest account, we did some hunting for easter hats that could include, somehow, the Turtles. I am trying so very desperately to relinquish control of crafty projects so that Arlo can make his own mind up and feel a sense of pride at doing things - and doing them well - by himself. It's very hard though, given that I am a crafty geek/control freak.

When we found a Spring crown picture - we quickly saw the Ninja Turtle potential (they are hiding in amongst the daffodils) and we set to work.

Even my suggestions to improve things were knocked back - Arlo had a clear idea in his mind of how everything was to be done and he didn't need my help - and the only thing I helped with was gathering the materials and stapling the pipe cleaners in place. Everything else was done by Arlo and we're both chuffed to bits with that.

I didn't even have to tweak anything after he went to bed....

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