The Pissoir of Clochemerle?

No, not Clochemerle - Walkerburn.

From the Royal Commission's Buildings At Risk Register...

Saracen Foundry (Macfarlane's of Glasgow patent). Single storey, rectangular gentleman's urinal with open entrance bay and 2-stalls. Painted cast-iron, sectional construction. No glazing, but narrow arch-ended ventilators and ornamental fretwork to upper sections. Open topped entrance with flat-roof enclosing booths; decorative cornice with iron teeth surmounting all. Gargoyle waterspout (in the form of a crouched composite animal) to centre of front and rear elevations in lieu of rainwater goods. Entrance leading to 2 stalls divided by iron screen with quadrant top and decorative teeth; each stall with embossed with "PLEASE ADJUST YOUR DRESS BEFORE LEAVING". Ventilation panels to upper sections of all elevations.

This was erected at the end of the 19th century and is no longer in use!

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