Learning day by day

By EmmaF

In a bubble!

William was quite certain what he wanted to do today. He checked first to see if I had any jobs to do and when the answer was no he asked if we could go to Space2play and I play with him! Guilt trip for Mummy as often when we go to the soft play it is because I need to get on with some jobs of one sort or another. So a pact was made. W ate his lunch quickly and we went to play. I was allowed a coffee part way through the proceedings, but W carefully monitored my rate of drinking to make sure I wasn't prolonging things. He then decided he wanted to cycle to school for pick up which meant a fairly quick exit and return to base for helmet and bike and Carys's scooter.

A nice evening of reading books, early baths, yummy tea and triominoes for three followed.

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