Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Day off!

Hubby's birthday today ...... It would be rude to say his age but 52 is a good mature age for anyone. He normally doesn't work on his birthday but forgot to book (too much going on with his dad moving) so went into work. I don't work on Tuesdays ......

Spent a lazy morning doing paperwork after the stressful conversation at 8am to try and book a doctors appointment for my pa-in-law (PAL). It is a particular breed of person that works in a GP surgery - assertive is a mild word for it. Having debated the booking of an appointment that was needed for today, managed to secure one for 4pm. Arranged to be at PAL's for around 1pm as had booked an opticians appointment for 2pm. Visited him at 1pm, arranged for him to have a conversation with Eon (they wouldn't talk to me) to set up the electric bill, then off to opticians. Unfortunately, no options available for improved sight, but produced a letter for GP to refer to low vision clinic. Round to the bank to change address details, then back in the car to get to the GP. Visited GP (not his registered GP) who made us feel as though we were wasting his time. Dropped prescriptions into pharmacy then back to his flat. The daffodils I purchased at the weekend and shared between me and him, had just opened at his, hence the blip photo.

Then off to weight watchers (stayed the same), before getting home with dinner ready at 7:30 - not much of a birthday for hubby!

Looking forward to a rest at the weekend.


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