twinned with trumpton


Busy morning; 0700 K.O.; prepped morning work, out 0845, Leith for 9, Cigs blip 0915, Pilrig Park; Spey Terrace, Stockbridge - heard a really convoluted tale; back closer to home, via supermarkets for supplies; arranged garden visit, spoke to Paw on his return fae Valencia / Fallas. And all this by 11.

Then spent a leisurely afternoon, typing up stuff, chatting to colleagues, organising more work for next week; OT for a couple of hours.

Then the bad news of nothing tomorrow which means from Friday to - Sunday at the earliest? Probably realistically Monday.... which is tough for both.

So I could hear her stress and anxiety so dived out to doorstep her at parents' evening and handed off things to alleviate some of the stress.

We walked talked then parted, home for cous cous with pork/chilli/ginger 'burgers' with salad.

Action packed.... And Madlib / Freddie Gibbs is the business....

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