twinned with trumpton



A Saturday morning with no boys, no work, and the sun shining. Too windy for the bike, soooooo

Allotment o'clock! I wandered down about 10; after getting in at 3, I figured an hour in bed wouldn't hurt. Cycled down and chatted to Elaine my new allotment neighbour over the back; she seems keen, so will probably put me to shame...

The horror of what needs doing is quite debilitating but.. eventually. I started digging the weeds out of the smallest bed, and once I'd done that it felt better so I did the next smallest one, too. By midday, the cold was nipping, so I scooted off home, mucked about and eventually had a siesta.

Up at 5, quickly made lime sponge mix and grabbed a 16 to Leith, Tesco for wine and ice for sloe gin fizz and walked up the cycle path to Bill's.

He'd offered curry to Nic, Sharon, Mel and I (Ben was working). So 6pm I rolled up, and yeah - good evening. Usual prying but mostly good fun; no tears amazingly enough!

And the girls left for the last bus, Bill and I got into the country music and drank and sobbed and drank and wept.

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