The Only Fruit

Oranges everywhere! The guest house is surrounded by orange trees, they are covered in blossom and heavy with fruit, both at the same time. The air is full of the most wonderful smell of orange and jasmine.

Breakfast outside on the terrace then a walk through the fields, lots of flowers growing wild everywhere, some we recognised as garden plants from home, some completely new to us. Huge orange and black butterflies flitting about and some little yellow and black jobs too, but far too lively to take photos of.

Walked along the irrigation canal to the bus stop and caught a bus into town where we explored the castle and spent ages in the fascinating archaeological museum. So much to see and very well displayed. The sun was very hot and we were glad of the shade along the narrow streets, yes, I did write that! Amazing to go from -3 deg C at Edinburgh airport to the high teens here - quite a shock to the system! It was lovely to be warm right through to your bones but we both were happy to sit inside when we stopped at a cafe at lunch time!

We were befriended by a lovely dog in the afternoon. We didn't speak to it or even make eye contact but it followed us, doggedly, for ages! We went into a supermarket for some provisions hoping it would get the hint but no, there it was waiting for us when we came out, wagging its tail and happy to see us again! Eventually we got in a taxi to head home and watched as it wended its way through the pedestrians along the pavement back towards where it first joined us! It was a healthy looking dog and had two collars on so it must have had an owner (or two?) but perhaps it just likes the company of tourists!

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