Ladies Who Lunch
...and are Blipfoto members are more likely to be playing with their cameras than paying attention to their food!
For months, Artist Annie and I have been talking about having lunch together, and today we made that happen. We met at an excellent Thai restaurant in between our respective errands of the day, and enjoyed both the food and the opportunity to talk about the past, the present, and the future.
Ann and I have many things in common besides photography, including winter birthdays, growing up the oldest in families with three children, loving classical music, singing in choral ensembles in the past, rarely following recipes when making meals, and hating housework.
Both of us are signing up for lifetime Blipfoto memberships, as we can't imagine our own lives without the creative challenge and many friendships around the world -- and right here at home -- that Blipfoto brings to us.
Here's to you, Artist Annie!
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