A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

Oooh a Nice Cuppa!

Jenny rustled up some very tasty chocolate & orange biscotti biscuits using one of the wonderful Hairy Dieters cook books, which incidentally have been keeping us busy & very well fed over the last few weeks.

You can't beat a bit of biscotti & a cuppa when you get back from a hard days work at the Office.

It also provided a bit of calm before the storm of Tuesday night football. Heskeys Tekkers took on league leaders Multiple Scoregasms in a very competitive, but fair, end to end match. Unfortunately, although we had a few chances & did indeed take the lead inside the first 5mins, being without our 8-game seasoned keeper, tiring in the second & not being as clinical as we needed, the match finished 5-1. It's a shame as we could well have taken something from the game, having a lot more position & opportunities than we had originally hoped for. Two games to go; next week we face the league's bottom team, who we secured our only win to date against & if we beat again, will secure our first season, non-bottom finish target. C'mon Hekkers!

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