Mo's picture story

By jettygirlx

Love Affair

Glasgow decides Spring has sprung and goes into overdrive. Weegies(Glaswegians) always talk to total strangers as though they are lifelong bosom buddies, giving directions and offers of "C'mon n'll just take ye"; offering opinions on the best place for a coffee; congratulating/commiserating with each other on the weather ; pronouncing on the state of the nation and assorted political viewpoints on independence. Disconcerting to strangers but part of the mutual love affair of the city and its residents and diaspora. This morning we had a lovely exchange with one guy who informed us that he (like me) had just tripped up on a wobbly manhole cover and he knew the source of the problem.

"It's the money they're busy sending South instead of fixing them!" he explained.
"Ah - but we can sort that out soon, eh?" I replied.
"Aye, an I'm gonnae sort it. I am. Cheerio" and off he strode, safe in the knowledge that we had agreed on the best way to sort out manhole covers come September.

Ten yards on a man in an orange boiler suit had stopped work on the paving slabs and was debating with himself "Am I goin' tae huv a coffee or ....Jamie I'm going tae ...(to a young lad sitting on a wall eating a toastie) Should I ....?" Swither swither.
"You should have a coffee. The sun's shining and you're working hard" we advised.
"Aye, right enough" Off he strode towards the golden arches.

When I play the idle game of "Places I could live in." I have two measures: how long would it take me to get to Ardrossan Harbour from there and How long to get to Glasgow? When I was working, it dictated where I would apply for a post too! Seriously. My final post was the nearest to both!

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