
By intothehills

Smiling together.

This is the last photo I have of 'all of us', taken a few months before Mum was killed.
The beautiful lady with her eyes closed is my Mum, the beautiful girls are my wife & sister - I'm the handsome chap in the suit (ahem - back when I was fat) & my brother & brother in law make up the rest.
Mums often been with us since when we've met up or spoken, but for the most part its been a sorrowful presence, smiles and laughter have been few and far between. Healing has been delayed by inquests, criminal trials and the farce of the estate, but now it can begin at last.
Waking today to more messages of love & support, the sense of closure and the possibility of moving on has been tangible. All of us have been in touch, buoyed by the relief you get from the removal of such an evil stress that has lurked in the background for four long years.  Cat & I have spent most of the day dozing, happy that at last we feel free of burden. I don't believe in an afterlife, but I do know that our mum wanted us to be happy. Now we can all start to make sure that we make that happen for her.

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