Celebrating life

By DeeS


Biting wind
Moves through the branches
Which sway in response.
The image freezes
Into stillness on glassy blue.

I've had this blue ball for several years and never tire of its texture and the way things reflect on it.

I've been struggling to keep up with blip because I've been busy with a friend clearing the working end of my garden and creating a compost bin and raised vegetable beds out of pallets, decking boards and other odd bits of wood lying about. Also, and very sadly, my camera seems to have packed up - it's been a bit temperamental for a couple of weeks, going on and off at random, and today seems to have packed up for good and won't come on at all.

So I have a dilemma, do I buy another bridge camera or move into the scary heights of a DSLR? On balance I think the latter but it's all so complicated ....

Really hope to catch up with people very soon. x

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