Urban Decay: The Sequel

Just the old Odeon cinema sign in Glasgow city centre on a wander round at lunchtime today - quite nice to be in the West for a change of scene and some good work meetings too. Remarkably very little processing on this - must have been the angle that kept the sign all in focus.

Mrs42 has her school fair tomorrow so she worked late and I met her at school and helped stick/lift/make a bit. The P2's are just not as able as the P4's were and so some of the 'lovingly handmade by the children' gifts were in fact 'hurridly made by 42' :-)

Back home to try out the new curry shop round the corner and a small cerveca and a couple of backed up episodes of House. Nice :-)

Rejects from today:

Reject 1: Winter Cityscape

Reject 2: No Hope Street

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LOTD: Increase's "The Wondrous Ms Anna Banana!" blip is really engaging. I like the angle and surreal-ness of Ms Anna in the mask completely out of context against the water and trees.

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