Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

Truth About Youth (FM)

A fabulous day with my team as we launched a new national campaign to encourage people to pledge that they know the Truth About Youth in Scotland - that they are amazing; that they are contributing so much to our communities and that we should be proud of them.

We had a VIP to launch the campaign - the First Minister of Scotland Alex Salmond. He took part in a "tweet-up" as part of the event, taking over our Twitter account and answering questions from young people across Scotland - with the help of some of our young Modern Apprentices.

We got an incredible response, with so many fantastic and insightful questions - difficult to answer in 140 characters it has to be said!

If you are a twitter fan, then check out the #TruthAboutYouth hashtag. And if you'd like to sign the pledge - I'd love it if you did - then go to TAYPledge right now!

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