
By Dudders

Looking Back Through Old Photos

Having a bit of a clear-out I can across a couple of photos taken back in 1967 of a remote signal box called Ashurst Jnc (The junction remains but the signal box has long gone).

The picture is a composite showing the interior of the signal box - thus the line running through the middle! But hey I was only 15 and camera technology meant that you had to send the film off from processing and then wait to see the results of your handiwork!

The signal box was a wonderful place to visit after school; it took about 40 mins to cycle and provided everything was 'normal' the signalman let you work the box. It was an almost continuous ringing of bells and the normally closed intermediate signal boxes at Edenbridge Town, Hever, Cowden and Ashurst all opened up for the evening peak trains and then a little over 2 hours later one by one they all closed out.

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