a modest enquirer

By lewishamdreamer

Happy Day in Europe

It was a happy day. I was tempted to show all sorts of aspects of it, from the stunning view from the Mont des Arts, to the Royal Palace, to the beer at lunch and our amusing walk in the park ('the metro? It's right there!'). But I've written very rarely in this journal about happiness and I wanted to show it off, to revel in a great day. We both needed the break, and we both made the most of it, and felt even closer to one another after it was done.

Last time work anxieties took me away from myself and from G. Not this time. I just let go, the past and present settled in their proper places, and I felt free just to be. The sun was out, we made new discoveries, and had no obligations. We must have walked nearly 20 km, but I still felt rested and at ease - quite the conditions for playfulness and idealism.

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