Views of my world

By rosamund


Just one of the words talked about by Dr Suzanne Zeedyk, developmental psychologist, at the seminar exploring the Bookbug Assertive Outreach programme today at Glasgow City Halls. Proud to have our work included in the evaluation report and shared today by Dr Zeedyk, one of the most inspiring people to talk about how baby's brains develop on a par with Sir Harry Burns. Other key words went from communicative musicality, through play, relationships, sharing and laughter.

Did you know that in a study where babies in the womb were read The Cat in the Hat daily by their mother in the last 6 weeks of pregnancy that when tested at three days old they could a) differentiate between cat in the hat and goldilocks and the three bears, b) recognise the difference between their mother reading it or someone else and c) not only could they recognise Cat in the Hat, they could also differentiate between it and a Dog in the Fog! Mind blowing stuff.

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