Long distance meal!

Being as our family will be all over the shop this weekend, the girls insited we go down to Glasgow this evening for a meal. Left here at 4 to be in the big smoke for 6. We then trooped off to Cafe Andaluz off Byers Rd and had the most amazing food. Dropped the girls off then drove home.
I'm no sooner in the door when hubby in the dead of night disappears into his shed and emerges with some bloody ancient video camera which he insisted on poking about to get it going then asked me to look at it. Having just spent two hours driving after a heavy meal the last thing at half past midnight I wanted to do was examine a bloody camera, I would have far rather thrown it out the damn window. Suffice to say I growled a bit and he beat a hasty retreat with said camera. Off to my bed as early start tomorrow
The flowers were also part of my Mother's day pressie plus a chocolate card!

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