Red, Green, and Blue

By GemmoMC

La Muralla en Ávila

What was going to be five people going to Avila, only me and Nick went. Nevertheless, we made the most of our day trip. We took a Media Distancia train and the countryside was beautiful. There were cows and wide open green space. Seeing Escorial was also wonderful. When we got to Avila we took a tour around the walled town and climbed up the walls. It was great to see the town from a high view. We toured around more around, but since you had to pay everything we didn't see much. We had lunch in the Plaza Mayor and had the Avila's specialty, chuleton which is a big piece of steak. After lunch we went to see St. Teresa's relics and then called it a day.

We literally left running the town. We wanted to catch the next train out so we wouldn't be stuck in Avila for another two hours. It was quite a workout!

Overall it was a great day hanging out with Nick.

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