A Bit Of A Sotter!!!

I hope you like my photo of the buzzard.
Well, it would have been, if it hadn't flown off!
Shot one - a buzzard on a pole. Stopped car, window down, camera to eye, bird flew off!
Shot two - a buzzard in a field close to the road. Stopped car, window down, bird flew off!
The title? A sotter means a bit of a clutter, a mess.
Our back garden is a bit of a sotter as you can see.
Hopefully a bit of tidying up this weekend.
Don't know what Bandit is doing up here, she's eaten all the plants already!!
Had a fine day yesterday apart from Joe, our Cocker Spaniel, jumping off the sofa and hurting his leg.
Off to the vet with him this morning. An injection, some Metacam and £33 lighter later, he seems much better.
A bit of this Plant!

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