The Great Escape

It's official.

Winter is over.

It has to be, 'cos I got my summer wheels put on my car today, so at least if I take it into the dealers for a service they wont tell me off for not having paperwork to authorise my non Mini wheels, and I can drive faster in summer wheels...not that I would, obviously...not with a Blitzmarathon looming, have put all my heavy shoes at the back of the wardrobe, honest guv.

In other news I had to ring and make a complaint today, to M&S no less. Ordered long sleeved shirts, received short sleeved. Wouldn't be a problem but we had to order them through the UK website because the German one is pants, and as Mr K was in London earlier this week we could get them delivered to the London office (because the UK website doesn't allow delivery to Germany, Sweden yes, Germany no) so now I have to send them back and get M&S to repay me the postage and there is no hope of getting any long sleeved shirts because they're out of stock, which is probably why they 'accidentally' sent the short sleeved ones in the first place...

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