Body Shaving to Body Snatching

So, has anatomy teaching changed in the last 200 years? Everything has changed and yet nothing has changed. Carole and I went to the University for a lecture as part of the Histories Festival...From Body Snatching to Computer Simulation: 200 Years in Anatomy Teaching. There were two speakers and the second one was brilliant. It was a fascinating talk. The main advances, according to him, are drains and electricity (and devices that work through electricity). Fascinating stuff! Manchester is the biggest medical uni in the country and one of the seven out of fifteen that still teaches using cadavers. Some universities use virtual dissections and so the whole debate opens up about whether that is a good thing or not. Personally I would want a surgeon who has to operate on me to have had the experience of actually cutting into a real body.

I had an early start this morning as I went to the doctors about my knee, I have to go to a specialist in a couple of weeks. I had shaved my legs especially this morning...but he never even looked at my knee. Gone are the days when a Dr examines. He did an awful lot of typing though.

It was the writing group this morning, but we were meeting with a representative of the council first. We meet in the library and it was all up in the air about whether we can continue meeting there. Apparently our group is all part of mental health...I hadn't realised I was part of a care in the community group ha ha ha...but probably very apt :) Anyway we are still on for now.

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