
So, photography for me used to be all about experimenting and finding out what worked. With all that has happened in the past year or so, I have become a bit unadventurous. I have stuck to the tried and tested and done what I do best.

Today I felt uninspired, both photographically and life speaking. So, I decided to jump out of my box and do something a little different.

I don't even mind if it works or not. It felt good to be playing around.

Roll on the holidays for more playing and experimenting.

JL and I massacred my garden today. We chopped down trees and put a fence in so that Cousteau is secure in a small part of the garden. I also planted some seeds.

I have come to realisation that I was born too late. I should have been part of the gentry, playing the piano and embroidering cushions. I would certainly have failed totally as a pioneer woman!

Not a wasted day if you've learned something, eh?

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