aint life grand.. 4 of five on....the chips n burgers express was on fine form today....5 stores ,, all on time.. all my job,, i must be in a minority ..sometimes it can be damn good.. theres nothing like driving a truck in the wee hours of the nite of choice had to be REM.....i ignored the health warning on the packet thats says ,, do not play if alone.. or its dark.. or if you feel lonely or not of sound mind.. hey,, it didnt tip me over the edge....far from it,, "stand" was quite cheerful....managed to whine along to that ....we have a new fleet of very nervous trucks at work.. they have every conceivable "safety" device known to man on it.. it bongs beeps ..LEDS flash...when reversing and the sensors pick up something,, might be just a old crisp packet it has a complete hissy and bangs on the brakes....which is fun in close combat to which we get these trucks.. to the uninitiated it looks like the driver cant make his mind up to start or to you see a truck pogoing with the driver hitting his (or her as we now have 4 women drivers) on the roof of the truck.. and then theres the anti tip device on the trailer.. when you go round a roundabout say.. at anything over walking pace,,the terrified were gonner crash.. and bangs the brakes on.. to be honest im surprised the trucks allow us to move at all.. all in the name of good ole elf and safety ..i suppose ya cant have an accident if ya aint moving eh ...anyway ,, their nice new shiney trucks with decent CD players on em !!
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