
By Munroist4113

Piste Indiens

We've had such a happy day - wonderful skiing in sunshine, in amazing scenery. However, instead of the many pretty mountains scenes, I have chosen for my blip this one, for what I suppose is a sentimental reason. Every time we come to this furthest valley from our base, we stop here to eat a sandwich in the snow, so this blip will remind me of those times. The run is very pretty, coming down through the trees on the left. We wonder what is the story behind the tepees. My very limited French tells me it is related to a French photographer who spent time in USA in the 19th century, photographing native Americans, and this is a tribute to him.

We skied all day, both to make the most of the sun, and as it was the last day skiing for us this season. I decided I was brave enough to have a go at the steepest red I'd ever tried, and though I didn't love it, I was happy to have achieved it without mishap. In fact, no falls in the whole week, a personal best! We skied many miles in all 3 valleys, and got back in time to see our great nephews receive their badges of achievement from their ski school. Home very late tomorrow - hope I get a blip.

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