How far from the car factory?
This really old enormous tree is in a really old church graveyard in Cofton Hackett. The boundary fence just the other side of the lane marks the edge of the ex-Rover Longbridge Car plant, which is currently having houses built on it. The other boundary of the graveyard has a main railway line running alongside where trains trundle off to the Southwest via Cheltenham and Gloucester.
Super handyman husband's Mom's ashes (Well, half of them) are buried here with the remains of her second husband. On the day we went for the interment of the ashes the leaves were falling off the tree and as the priest committed the ashes to the earth a swirl of wind picked up the leaves lying on the ground and whirled them off heavenwards. So, Sunday being Mothering Sunday, today we weeded the grave, removed the fallen leaves and put fresh flowers in the vase for a much loved and gracious lady.
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