Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Me and my boy x

Grandma & grandad came round today and took P out for lunch. With some free time, me & A decided to go shopping for my nephews birthday present. I couldn't decide what to get and nearly bought out the entire shop. It seems that when turning 4 so many more toys suddenly become available. Games that I remember as a child like Hungry Hippos and Operation were calling to me from the shelves. Somehow I managed to only go over budget by £5 but did console myself by treating A to cute pair of trousers and some bibs (he is such a dribbler!)

When we got back from the shops P was already home and tucked up in her big girls bed for her nap. When she woke up just before 4 I then managed to get A down for a nap in his crib. Me and P then had a rare chance to be just the two of us. We enjoyed cuddles on the sofa watching Mr Tumble, we played shops and we pretended to make pancakes. It was so lovely to spend time just being silly with her. She is growing up and changing so fast I have to cherish every minute.

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