2 years. An amazing thing. I had a lot of plans for what I might do for this blip but they will have to wait till my 1000th I suppose. Instead I have gone for what some people might see as my signature blip.. Someone carrying something on a bike in China. I am happy with that.

730 blips seems such a huge number. I am privileged to be part of this family. And that is what you are to me.. My second family. I live so far from home.. that you people.. every last one of you have contributed to my wonderful life in ways that you can't even imagine.

There are certain thankyous that are apt at this time and I won't shirk my part in saying thanks.

Thank you to Joe first of all.. I am sure you didn't imagine that when you started 'blip' that it would become such a thing.. A thing that (for me) has been an anchor living in a foreign land.. away from family and friends.. An anchor that has honestly kept me sane and happy over the last few years. THANK YOU.

To the blip community for their encouragement and support. Comments and votes... laughs and tragedies.. Everything about you people is real and sincere.. THANK YOU TOO. Not just for what you do and say about my journal.. but also for YOUR journals. They have inspired and delighted me. You are the best.

And last of all to my lovely blipchooser partner, Tina. I strive each day to make it hard for you to choose my blip. hehehehe. THANK YOU the MOST.

Last of all.. NO heartfelt.. I am stopping message.. I love this place too much.

Thank you ALL



PS.. Yep.. the thumb a blatant... "It's my birthday" heheheh

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