The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

After the rain

We have Scarlet Fever in our school's nursery. I spent the morning deep cleaning toys. The youngsters are quarantined in their own area. It's so what we don't need right now! I don't think it's very serious now that antibiotics have been invented (!) but still a notifiable illness, and of course we have vulnerable children in our care.

I see that it's after midnight already! Oh dear. After work I met a friend and ended up having lunch in a very wholesome cafe, followed by a walk around the shops and back home. After a quick rest and Pointless, it was time to cook supper (fresh sea bass with ginger and spring onions), then I charged off to Stonehouse, five miles away, to attend a committee meeting of the WEA (Workers' Educational Association). I managed not to put myself forward as treasurer or secretary, but have volunteered to do a bewildering number of things, including finding a possible tutor of drawing; a speaker for the AGM; and giving a reading of the poetry of local boy WH Davies.

Please could someone tell me what this flower is called? I think it's a kind of wild orchid. It's very common around here. Or maybe it's a campion or a cowslip! Off to bed now, Steve's sister is coming to stay tomorrow morning, and CS is threatening to get up and hoover. Not before 7 am, I hope!

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