out of the shadows

By MrsHart3


My grandson is being assessed to see if he has ADHD. A close family member has sent me "helpful" newspaper articles explaining how this condition does not exist. Apparently it is down to bad diet, anaemia, shortsightedness and a myriad of other things. However, when you have ruled out all these other potential reasons and you still have a child with problems it leaves you with no other explanations other than maybe over indulgent parents or a plainly naughty child. Neither of these are true either.

I have watched him pace the floor in continuous circles and make incessant movements because he simply can't physically stop. It is exhausting for everyone especially him. I have watched him concentrate so hard on trying to be good and still, that by the end of the day he is so physically and mentally tired that it takes only the smallest of things to tip him over the edge into a huge tantrum in which he can physically attack his mum and scream that he hates her. People judge on what they can see. I used to be one of those people.

He doesn't want to be like this. He doesn't want to get into trouble, but he simply can't help himself and this is his explanation. It is a picture of his "naughty brain". This is the brain that tells him do the naughty things and won't let him sit still or concentrate at school. This is the brain that makes him hit out and say unkind things to the people he loves the most. Apparently it is slightly smaller than his "good brain", so sometimes the good brain can win.

These are his words. He is 5 .
In spite of this he can still see rainbows and magic in beads.

I understand a little how he feels because I too have an intruder inside my head, whispering dark things and trying to win the battle with my "good" brain. It is exhausting.
You can't have rainbows without storms and without the darkness you cant see the stars.
We will both win.

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