Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Boxing Bri

We tried to teach my Dad how to play on the wii tonight. He is off to an air show tomorrow so is staying over to get an early start. He took a long time to get the hang of bowling and then went on to beat me at tennis. This is him boxing, which he also won!

Lime arrived today - there was much anticipation with everyone wanting to meet him so he had a big welcome committee on arrival. I have to keep him in 24 hrs and he got a bit stressed out and started rearing up at the door, (he's used to being out) which freaked me out a bit. So I did a bit of stable swapping so he was next door to another one staying in all night and I eventually got away about 8pm (having been at the yard in the rain for 7 hours!!) when I was satisfied he was settled for the night. He can go out tomorrow and it will be much better. He's got lots of fans already! Did get a few pics of him, but he was a bit white eyed, so going to wait until he has settled nad I can get a nice pic before I introduce him on blip!

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