Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309


Lovely, lovely sunny day today. Exceptionally tired as always, but managed my penultimate tapering run this morning, just 4 .5 mile with some strides at the end. I felt very sluggish and am wondering how I am ever going to run 26.2 miles next Sunday.

Munchkin 1 had an afternoon with his girlie friend, so Mr C and I took Little Miss E to a lambing weekend at our local agricultural college. I think she enjoyed bouncing around in the giant tractor rides more than seeing all the spritely lambs and even the herds of deer.
We were lucky enough to witness the arrival of two new lambs, and I had the pleasure at expressing my displeasure at some boys who thought it would be a good idea to throw lots of hay in a pen on top of two new borns. Goodness knows where their owners were!

So that is my Blip today of a very obvious, but cute new Spring lamb.

Afterwards, we drove to Lacock where there is a little tea room that sells the best ice cream cones ever. Little Miss E managed to demolish a full one all by herself, before having a jolly good run around the park. I had a good time, reliving my child hood by doing tumbles on the parallel bars, while stealing spiderman kisses from my daughter. Mr C however took great delight in using the video function on my camera, to record my tumbling form!

Have a good evening.


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