Old Truck

In an effort to get Ozzie to some water without risking the raging creek across the road, we drove toward Sonoma and a regional park with a paved trail. It is lined with ditches and little creeks pouring into them out of the surrounding hills. Ozzie found an excellent stick, but found the muddy water in the ditches to be less than acceptable. Clad in rain gear and carrying umbrellas, we were happy enough to be out of the house--rain or no rain. Since there were only four cars in the parking lot, we decided to let Ozzie off the lead. He put his paw in the water occasionally, but seemed happy enough walking along with us with his excellent stick….

On the way back home, we were on the correct side for me to get out and take a picture of a line of old trucks, without having to sprint across the highway. Although they are old and rusting, some covered with an interesting green patina, their tires sinking into the mud, the old trucks still maintain a certain dignity that only age confers. I couldn't get a shot of all of them without a lot of distracting background, so I chose the one with a backdrop of mountains and rising mist.

We are going to Sebastopol this evening for soup and salad and a tour of Judy's chicken coop. This is getting serious. Why can't we just keep getting eggs from Judy?

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